Landowner Battles Against Crypto Mining Operation in Cottle County, Texas

**Widow Takes on County in Lawsuit Over Crypto-Mining**

Regina Ferguson Richards, a 74-year-old widow from Cottle County, is taking on her local government in a lawsuit that reads like the beginning of a Western novel. After battling natural disasters, financial ruin, and cattle disease, Richards is now facing off against cryptocurrency mining on her family’s ranch.

**A Crypto-Mine Sandwich**

Richards claims that the county misrepresented the work of a crypto mining company seeking tax incentives. What was supposed to be the construction and operation of solar farms turned out to be the establishment of two crypto-mine complexes on her family’s land. The noise and disruption caused by the mines have already taken a toll on Richards and her family.

**A Battle for Justice**

With the help of her daughter Lara, who is an attorney, Richards uncovered the true intentions of the mining company. She believes that the developers took advantage of the county’s lack of experience with tax abatements and zoning restrictions to push their project through. Now, Richards is seeking to void the agreements and receive financial damages for the harm caused to her property and livelihood.

As the lawsuit unfolds, the outcome remains uncertain. Will Regina Ferguson Richards emerge victorious in her fight against the crypto-mining giants, or will she be forced to surrender her land to the relentless march of technology? Only time will tell.


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