Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unveils innovative proposal for government transparency: Implementing a ‘Budget on blockchain’ system

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vows to Put Entire US Budget on Blockchain

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a bold statement at a rally in Michigan, declaring his intention to put the entire US budget on blockchain to increase transparency in government spending.

Blockchain for Transparency

Kennedy emphasized the importance of allowing every American to have access to every budget item at any time, stating that “we’re gonna have 300 million eyeballs on our budget.” He highlighted the infamous scandals of overpriced toilet seats as an example of the transparency blockchain could provide.

Champion of Cryptocurrency

Known for his support of cryptocurrency, Kennedy has accepted campaign contributions in bitcoin and held a significant amount of the cryptocurrency last year. His advocacy for clear regulations in the crypto industry has earned him high ratings from organizations like Stand with Crypto.

Challenges Ahead

While Kennedy’s proposal may sound promising, the task of putting every government transaction on a blockchain would be monumental, especially with the government planning to spend trillions of dollars this year. Despite facing challenges, Kennedy remains determined to push for greater transparency in government spending.


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